CutLang V2
CutLang project V2 aims the delopment of a generic analysis language and interpreter for HEP analyses.
The idea is to reduce any analysis to simple strings containing logic statement like All CutLang statements are evaluated at runtime, therefore there is no C++ code writing and no compilation involved. The project is based on ROOT libraries from CERN and can read the root event files allowing these formats: The first paper is on arXiv.ExamplesHere is an example for fully hadronic top-quark pair reconstruction without using b-tagging based on chi2 minimization:This algorithm can be implemented in CutLang V2 in a single line: as compared to its C++ counterpart of about 50 lines. A typical ttbar analysis description file is given below. The commands are evaluated and the histograms are filled at run-time. The details are to be found in the user manual available in the downloads section. For any questions contact: gokhan.unel at . |